Getting There
I created my life plan in November 2006. I was sure I wouldn't marry soon, but that didn't worry me so much. I decided what I wanted for my future: graduate school and a professorship. I knew by then that I loved to teach and I felt a great desire to teach about the Middle East. I had recently left the School of Music and was taking steps to spend significant time in Jerusalem. I was excited about the direction my life was going.
I met David January 8, 2007.
Though I did enact my plans to live in Israel for a semester, I was married July 2008. I was 21. I was surprised at this twist of fate (though I will say, for David's sake, that I was--and AM--very happy with the way things turned out!), and realized that my "life plan" was probably in shambles. However, after a few long talks and a lot of praying, Dave and I decided that my seeking further education wasn't contrary to God's plan for us and our family. In fact, it would probably be a great blessing. He encouraged me to apply for graduate programs and has been SO supportive throughout this whole process.
I was finally accepted to Cambridge University in June--thanks largely to Dr. Paul Kerry of the BYU History department, my self-appointed application advisor and main reference. I am entering the Jewish-Christian Relations program there, which is actually a part of the School of Divinity! Term starts October 5 and I am very excited (and nervous!) for the adventure.
One huge dampener, though, is the tragic fact that Dave won't be coming with me immediately. Because of the BYU hiring freeze, one of his essential classes wasn't offered spring term like it had been every other year. He will have to take it fall to graduate. I don't even want to think about starting my life in England without him, but what else can I do?! He will join me mid-December as soon as finals end. Two and a half months apart. We are hoping, however, that once he joins me in Cambridge, he will have the opportunity to build his resume as well. The city of Cambridge has become the Bioinformatics industry center of Europe. He should have plenty of chances to apply for jobs that will give him good experience. If all goes well, our year (or possibly two) in England will be a time of growing for both of us. We should both return to the States better, smarter, more experienced people. And I'm guessing we will both come back humbled as well, after being surrounded by the most intelligent people in the world for all that time!
Thanks for all of your love, support and prayers. We will miss you all while we are away but are grateful for technology which allows us to keep in touch so thoroughly.
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