Accomplished between Thursday morning and Sunday evening:

  • Scanned** and took notes on six books for my paper,
  • Met with my supervisor about my essay topic,  
  • Wrote 2000 words of my 4000 word term essay,
  • Made, ate and shared an apple pie, crust and all – yum!,
  • Wrote and revised a flute obbligato for a choir piece,
  • Spoke at Nicky’s baptism,
  • Scanned three books on the way to Ipswich (hour+ drive),
  • Played with the Cambridge YSA choir at the Ipswich Stake Sacred Music Festival,
  • Wrote a detailed outline (1300 words) for a forty-minute scholarly talk,
  • Organized a handout with New and Old Testament passages and suggested reading list,
  • Played with the choir in Sacrament Meeting,
  • Spoke about Jewish-Christian relations at the Cambridge Methodist Society Luncheon, and
  • Traveled to London for two of the Jewish Book Week lectures at the Royal National Hotel.  
**Definition: Quickly skimming the relevant portions of some, most or all of the work for material, evidence and ideas. 

Phew!  What a weekend!  I spent all day today recovering (since most of the above was done at the expense of eating and sleeping).  Part of the recovery process involved watching a portion of one of my absolute favorite films.  I love this!: “Plum puffs won’t minister to a mind diseased in a world that’s crumbled into pieces.”  Can you name it?  :)

Looking forward, the next few weeks will be busy as well.  Courtney and I will be in Dublin from Thursday morning to late Saturday night.  On Monday the 7th, Kathryn and I are attending a masquerade formal dinner at Emma.  On Tuesday the 8th, Simon Schama will be lecturing for my program!  This man made my undergraduate capstone paper possible.  Instead of speaking about the skeptical and experiential biblical interpretations of Caravaggio, though, he will be speaking about Muslim, Jewish and Christian relations.  I think it absolutely fabulous that this man can speak on ALL of my favorite subjects!  The two weeks following will be a mad scramble to finish and perfect my end-of-term paper (due Friday the 18th) and then, most fabulously of all, I get to see David the next day and every day for two more weeks! Bring on the month of March!


Heidi said…
"Can't you even imagine being in the depths of despair?"


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